I've discovered that one person can never experience all that life has to offer. It is only through sharing - experiences,
feelings, insights - that we can hope to grow beyond our own meager lifetime.
Acrylic pencil |
Butterfly On Flower |
If I can endure for this moment, whatever is happening to me. No matter how heavy my heart, or how dark the
moment may be. If I can but keep on believing, what I know in my heart to be true. Then darkness will fade into morning, and
with this dawn a new day, too.
A lovely rose with petals soft A scent so sweet and light So beautiful a flower With colors shining
bright. But something not so savory About the fragrant rose - The thorns, so sharp upon the stem, That sharpen
as it grows. Yet still lovely is the flower Despite the thorns that prick Just as life and love are sweet They
too have thorns that stick. But do not fear to live or love, Life's not exempt from pain - So pick a rose, you may
get hurt, But you will also gain!